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来源: 综合信息网 作者: 笑书 发布时间: 2016-05-10 13:46


  1、With virtue to everywhere,With treasure to every family。

  2、Virtue,treasure together.

  3、where beneficence travels,where treasure places

  4、One virtue,One treasure.

  5、Who owns the virtue  under the sun and  everyone  owns the treasure under the sun!

  6、With virtue to everywhere,With treasure to everyone。

  7、Morality goes well in the world and treasure can assemble everywhere!

  8、Moral line world, treasure Poly every family.

  9、Virtue spreads over the world, while value gathers in every family.

  10、moral world, bao poly man ka.

  11、doing virtues and gathering treasures.

  12、The virtue shine everythere, everyhome amass the wealth!

  13、Have virtue can goto everywhere,Treasure together every family 。

  14、Benevalent, sufferes polyaluminum wanjiashan.

  15、Welldoing for all ,treasure for all.

  16、Let  moral lead the world; Share the treasure with everyone!

  17、Virtue is the treasure together。

  18、More moral,more fortune .

  19、Good for good,gold glitters Every household

  20、Virtues reach the world,myriad of households gather treasure.

  21、Conduct under the sun  Man Ka tressure qather.

  22、Morality goes the world, Wealth goes to you.

  23、Everywhere goes morality, everyhome collects treasures.

  24、Moral travels farther;families become richer

  25、Virtue can manage the world;Every family can gather treasure.

  26、Enterprise slogan:Extensive Virtues,Vast Treasures.

  27、virtue done to me,Po-poly to you.

  28、Ethical world,gathering treasure.

  29、Mind in the world, Shine all the families.

  30、moral welldone to me,treasure gathered to you.


  32、Moral line world, treasure Poly !Treasures fill the home


  34、Through the world by moral, jewellery gathered by all families。

  35、with the morality ,for the worthy of the world

  36、Let splendid characters spread over the world,and we will share treasures together.

  37、Morality first through the world,treasure gathered for all the families.


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