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来源: 综合信息网 作者: 笑书 发布时间: 2011-11-23 20:06


  ● Smart is hard work, talent is the accumulation. - Hua Luogeng

  ● Should remember that our cause, need a hand rather than the mouth. - Tong Dizhou

  ● Not excited bitter and demand quick, only to end up in few days, pompous, old embarrassed pass. - Zheng Banqiao

  ● Efficiency comes from diligence. in shortage in the play. Ground transportation into Si, destroyed with. - Han Yu

  ● Knowledge in the ground, Hotaru window of rolls of the book. The three winter this foot, who smiled and ventral empty? - Xin Zhijie

  ● Work with quiet hard application is the first, white is known for the wise old man. Is a good training, a hard one before. - Hua Luogeng


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